Thursday, September 25, 2008


This entire week we have been inundated by outrage for both sides of the political isle over the proposed solution to the market crisis. I too agree we should be outraged. Why should one person be entrusted with the administration of $700 billion? That is just the catalyst for my argument here however.

The cost, not just once, but every year for compliance with the current tax code is $194 billion. That is cause for OUTRAGE! That is 5.8 billion work hours wasted every year. Time really is money. I had always filled out my own taxes until two years ago. They have become so complicated I feel uncomfortable doing them with any confidence that I am doing them right. I'm not making any more money or have more investments, the code is just becoming more complicated. It is over 62,000 pages (the FairTax Bill is only 133 pages.) That is cause for OUTRAGE! We should and can unite for a revolution.

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