Monday, September 29, 2008


Suppose a presidential candidate proposed taxing wealth and using the proceeds to reduce taxes on workers and provide a rebate large enough to cover paid by poor workers. Such a candidate would be hailed by the left and reviled by the right. That is the opening paragraph of an article written by Laurence J. Kotlikoff, professor of economics at Boston University and published in the Boston Globe, February 24, 2008.

He has spoken the truth. So why haven't the Democrats championed the FairTax more. What I'm about to say is a personal opinion but I challenge anyone to refute it. The majority of Democrats "automatically" reject the FairTax without ever investigating it because it's most vocal proponent has been a loud mouth conservative talk radio show host. What will it take to get the majority of Democrats past that? Can we shout louder that he can?

Regrettable and to its detriment this country has turned into a polar mental gel. We have quit thinking. We just take sides from the get go. If it is perceived to be a conservative issue we are against it. Well guess what? There are some issues good for America with no political strings tied to conservatism or liberalism. The FairTax is one of them. I encourage you to read the full article mentioned above in the Boston Globe article. Judge for yourself whether it makes sense. Then make that same challenge to someone else. That's how grassroots efforts work. GO FOR IT!

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