Thursday, November 13, 2008


September 15, 2008 changed the whole presidential campaign. I don't think it changed the outcome. I think Barak Obama's time had come. But what boggles my mind is with the economy trumping all other issues, taxes were discussed at length by both sides and not a single mention of the Fair Tax. WHY?

There is talk of a second stimulus package and as part of it a $1000 check sent to individuals and families with an earned income below a to-be-determined amount. Why not just let us take home our whole paycheck every week? If a $1000 check would put a smile on our face on the way to the bank or favorite department store, just imagine what taking home our whole paycheck would do every week. TALK ABOUT A STIMULUS PACKAGE! And yet it was not mentioned. WHY?

The Atlantic (January/February 2008) commented: The growing trade deficit threatens U.S. living standards and makes the country dangerously vulnerable to economic extortion. With a trade deficit of 1.4 trillion dollars, didn't the candidates think that was a problem directly effecting the economy? I heard both candidates say they would bring jobs back to this country that had been shipped overseas but never did I hear either of them say how they would do that. WHY? I don't think they had a plan, nor even a clue, only rhetorical promises. If we adopted the Fair Tax which would take the 22% hidden taxes out of everything we make don't you think it would make our American made products more competitive on the world market? Wouldn't that bring jobs back home and reverse the jobless numbers? Wouldn't a real plan like that have been better than empty promises? And yet it was not mentioned. WHY?

I have posed several questions here and only one answer. WHY? You got the idea. The Fair Tax is the answer to all the questions posed. They are holding summits, shrugging their shoulders and throwing up their hands in surrender. They are drowning in puzzlement, we've thrown them a lifeline and they are refusing it - that is stubborn (or maybe stupid.)

1 comment:

DyNama said...

just curious: what happened on sept 15?