Friday, October 3, 2008


We live in an enlightened age with more educational institutions than ever before. Academia is revered not only in this country but around the world. Studies are done on every imaginable subject (and some unimaginable ones.) We are bombarded with the results of these studies. Any idea someone has that they want to promote they preface it by saying a study shows... We rarely hear how scientific that study was or who it was done by, therefore in reality the "study" is only a sales pitch.

That is not the case with the FairTax. There has been more research and study done on the development of the FairTax than any other tax proposal we hear about. We activists and volunteers get so caught up in promoting the FairTax, educating friends and neighbor thinking, that with our explanations people will automatically "see the light" and join the cause. But often I think we forget in our enthusiasm that some people are not so easily impressed. If you happen to be one of those people let me encourage you to dedicate some serious time exploring the research section at You will be impressed. Get your facts from the experts who have done the research, crunched the numbers and then drawn educated conclusions.

The FairTax concept is spread by an ever growing number of tens of thousands but we continually encounter publications and political candidates that spew ideas and falsehoods without doing due diligence or research. Check the real research for yourself.

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