Monday, October 13, 2008


Sen Lindsey Graham and Democratic challenger Bob Conley dueled it out in a debate on Saturday Oct. 11, 2008. D. H. Williams reported on that Bob Conley rightfully points out that American labor cannot compete “with slave labor in Communist China.” With the FairTax, those jobs now being done by "slave labor in Communist China," will be brought back to America because the disadvantage to the American worker will be eliminated with the abolishing of the income tax in favor of a consumption tax. Why punish people willing to work? It doesn't make sense. Bob Conley really hit the nail on the head.

In another heated debate in the Kentucky's 2nd district to fill the seat of retiring Rep. Ron Lewis, Democrat David Boswell got the latest in a string of boosts from Washington on Thursday when a group of nearly 50 moderate and conservative congressional Democrats endorsed his bid to represent Kentucky's 2nd Congressional District as reported by Lexington Herald-Leader Newspaper. I could not find an endorsement of the FairTax on his website but I will be trying to contact him to see where he stands on H.R. 25 and I encourage everyone to also make such contacts to see where he stands on this important legislation. His contact information is Let me know if you get a response from him or his campaign and I will do the same.

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