Tuesday, October 7, 2008


People underestimate the power of the FairTax (H.R. 25/S 1025) as an issue. Mike Huckabee made a strong showing in the Republican primary season. The media gave credit to the Christian evangelicals. That is only a part of the story. The REAL story behind the Huckabee success was his outspoken support of the FairTax. It is hard to estimate how many supporters of the Fair Tax there are because it has never been put to a vote nationally (yet.) But I have been involved as a volunteer for the FairTax for approximately 9 years. Being involved in numerous events, it is my observation when people know the facts they favor the FairTax over ALL other alternatives to the status quo of the current system. People have seen and are tired of politicians of both political parties tinkering with the income tax system. The current code is so complex no one, and I repeat NO ONE, can understand and comply with it. It is over a staggering 60,000 pages in length. It must be, not tinkered with, REPLACE!

I digressed. Wikipedia states that Lindsey Graham "is not expected to face substantive Democratic opposition for a second term." Has the author of that article not heard that his Democratic opponent is a supporter of the FairTax and that there is a strong FairTax base in South Carolina? Could Lindsey Graham wake up November 5th unemployed? Considering Senator Graham's notoriety, wouldn't that make national headlines? Send Lindsey Graham a note and Bob Conley a donation if you can showing your support of candidates that support the FairTax.

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