Thursday, October 23, 2008


Phil Henson reported that many in Georgia are aware, we have been working on Rep. David Scott (D/GA 13th) for several years now. He has treated us with courtesy and respect and although he has not co-sponsored the FairTax bill, he did post some positive comments about the FairTax on his website at one time and indicated that he would be inclined to vote for it if it were to come to a vote on the floor of the house. However now he is in a fight to keep his seat in the House of Representatives and has chosen to use the FairTax as a divisive issue. Please go here or write him at 173 North Main Street, Jonesboro, GA 30236 , and respectfully let Mr. Scott know that the FairTax is not an issue to be partisan on. Let him know the FairTax is what America needs at this important time. It can be the real "bailout" we need to get this economy back on its feet and America prosperous and fully employed again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! Although we may hae our differences politically, this is one issue that seems to be bringing us all together.